WORKSHOP: “Mind Meld!”

A workshop focusing on active listening, and resolving conflict in the workplace.


Whatever your goal, we can help your team listen actively, respond without judgment, deal with conflict as it arises, and communicate more effectively together.

With our high-energy, 60-90 minute workshop, we work with up to 50 employees (virtually or in-person) to get them on the same wavelength, resolving creative differences and being silly with one another.

This is a great workshop to MELD MINDS into a giant super brain that is capable of anything!

Reasons to Book This Workshop

  • Your team has many different types personalities that have to work together

  • Some/all of the department works virtually and may have issues understanding one another

  • Recent stress has been impacting morale or creating conflict among the team

  • Departments without much previous contact are now required to work together more closely

  • A big upcoming project has the company wanting to fire on all cylinders

  • Everyone has been working hard and could use a fun way to blow off steam together!

How it Works

Our expert instructors will take your group through a series of interactive, playful and exciting exercises.

We’ll start with some easy ice-breakers, and work our way to more challenging games. Along the way, there will plenty of silliness and laughter.

Our goal is to get people working together and validating each others’ contributions in real time.

(Past clients have told us they have incorporated our games and exercises into their day-to-day professional culture, with great results!)